Fate of The Fuehrer part 5


Adolf Hitler is the barometer of evil by which all others are measured. It’s incomprehensible that one man could so change the way we see the world and foreign diplomacy. The United States clung strongly to the Monroe Doctrine, George Washington’s farewell address warnings about foreign wars, and it’s own isolation going into the war. Afterward the county would emerge as a superpower in every conflict since. Hitler’s actions directly caused the death of so many millions of people in so many parts of the world no one can tell us the true estimate. Men, women, and children wiped off the face of the earth during the fog of war. Hitler used his intellect and passionate public speaking abilities to rise to power in Germany. Americans penance for allowing this to happen would be paid with the blood of a generation. The road from Normandy to Berlin would be paved in American lives. Hitler used bigotry, hate, anger, and elitism to throw the world into the largest cataclysm history has ever seen. It would take America’s greatest generation to overcome Hitler’s thirst for power and military might. Men who were the embodiment of honor, pride, patriotism, heroism, and determination would bring unimaginable violence to the shores of Europe in order to stop Hitler. These are the ideals that make it so important to know once and for all what was the final fate of the German Fuehrer. How could we sacrifice so much and still know so little about his last days? Were they spent in a bunker in Berlin, or quietly relaxing in the Argentine sun?

In his own mind Joseph Stalin was never fully convinced Hitler was dead according to his closest confidants. The Russian secret police continued to search for Adolf Hitler as did the American authorities. The bones that now sit in the archive in Moscow are marginalized as concrete proof due to the Russian refusal for further testing and the French teams ridiculous claims. No indisputable evidence has ever been produced using those bones and the Russian government is notorious for counter intelligence. Rochus Misch was an invaluable asset to historians giving priceless insight into the war from a German perspective. He is unquestionably one of the most valuable resources for future generations to learn information from. Unfortunately his only questionable and inconsistent information has to do directly with Adolf Hitler’s fate. Though he never swayed in his testimony Hitler died in the bunker he did change details of his story on several occasions. This was an uncharacteristic oversight by Mish who was highly intelligent. His personal feelings and defense of Hitler make his version of The Fuehrer’s last days extremely unreliable and unfortunately questionable. Though the idea that Hitler escaped on board a German U-boat has been repeatedly debunked the idea he may have fled to Argentina is unequivocally plausible. The United States government spent an enormous amount of time and manpower after the war tracking down leads across the globe. It is clear from recently declassified documents that U.S. intelligence agencies were never fully convinced Hitler committed suicide in 1945. A complex underground German network across Argentina yields increasingly indisputable evidence that German escape protocols were in place long before 1945. A highly effective network that safely hid high level nazis like Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Walter Rauff, Franz Stangl, and Gerhard Boone. If these notorious men were able to escape capture then it becomes an absolute certainty Hitler could have done likewise. Argentina is still home to an unusual amount of German descendants who are to this day afraid to talk about war criminals. Some of the highest ranking officers in the Nazi hierarchy have grandchildren living in Argentina today. Living proof that many eluded capture and lived normal lives after the fall of Berlin. Did Hitler die inside his bunker in 1945? Conventional wisdom tells me to think he did.

Im not remotely close to a conspiracy theorist. In my own mind I want to believe he did take his own life seeing no other alternative. A broken and perilous shell of his former self suffering physically and mentally to the point he took his own life in a moment of absolute and unyielding agony is exactly the ending I want to believe met Adolf Hitler. A fitting end to a man who brought so much evil to the world, threatened freedom, cost so many brave soldiers to die in alien countries, and tried to wipe out an entire race. But I don’t believe that’s what happened. In the shadow of evidence that seems to grow daily I believe somehow Hitler escaped Germany. I think the bones in Moscow are a ruse put into motion long before the war was lost, and have continued to be manipulated in a misguided attempt to bury the truth, and embarrass the west. Fortunately the truth can’t hide forever. A new generation has taken over the hunt for the fate of The Fuehrer, and it is only a matter of time before they find out what nations, armies, and history have so far failed to discover. What happened to Adolf Hitler.

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